Tuesday 17 April 2007

Johnny English

Johnny English is a spoof of James Bond and his gun can't stay together.

He is a hopeless spy and dreams of the impossible. But when he's asked to investigate the sinister activities of french businessman Pascal savarge, he discovers that the person who stole the crown jewels is really the most succesful french businessman of England!

When Johnny English also discovers that pascal survarge also plans to impersonate the archbisop of canterbury to crown himself king, he's even more determined to catch the notorious villan at his own game!

When Johnny English interrupet's the crowning ceremony,he discovers that pascal survarge has manged to get the real archbishop to crown him king! So while Johnny's girlfriend deals with survarges baddies, he accidently gets crowned king and commands the guards to arrest pascal survarge , and lock him away!''

Johnny and his assistant Bough

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